Rules & Regulations

Rules And Regulation

For Students:

1. Be punctual.
2. Adhere to your dress code.
3. Move in line quietly.
4. Respect school properties and others’ belongings.
5. Greet each other.
6. Don’t move unnecessarily in the corridor.
7. Groom your hair properly.
8. Trim your nails regularly.
9. Don’t use costly ornaments.
10. Campus language – English.
11. Keep your classroom and workspace tidy.
12. Maintain discipline inside the bus.

For Teachers:

1. Corporal punishment is strictly prohibited.
2. Any issues regarding students should be immediately reported to the Head of School.
3. Be punctual.
4. Mobile phones, school laptops, School internet should be strictly used only for school purposes.
5. Maintenance of Records and Reports are mandatory.
6. Be a role model.
7. Follow dress code.
8. Make use of projectors.
9. Maintain Subject-wise/ Grade-wise file with Annual, Term and Weekly planners.
10. Avoid harsh and abusive language.
11. Be accountable to School property.
12. Mark the books regularly; check diaries; administer tests.

For Parents:

1. Send your child in neat uniform.
2. Sign in the Diary.
3. Check the app regularly.
4. Only authorized personnel can pick up the children.
5. School Office should be notified immediately about change of phone numbers and/ or address, if any.
6. Kindly pay fees on time.
7. Gold ornaments are strictly prohibited.
8. Notify leave in case of absence – message in diary/app.
9. Avoid calling the office or teachers in late hours, unless an emergency.
